University of Saint Thomas
Saint Paul, MN
The Philosophy
Medium sized (7,000) private university and liberal arts college in a large city
The Classes
21 average size class
3 semester lang. Or pass placement
3 theology, 2 philosophy
14:1 student to faculty ratio
The Path
EA Nov 1, notified Dec 15
Financial Aid Priority Dec 1
Honor program 3.8 gpa, act 28, special dorm
4-1-4 jan term
100+ majors
Business majors- finance, accounting
Business, Law, education - downtown campus
The People
50% catholic
19% students of color
15% faculty of color
50% female faculty
The Aid
Financial aid follows you abroad
Summer classes 50% off
The Resources
.25 miles from Mississippi
Student center voted in top 10 in usa
All sporting events free to students
Thursday night live - local musicians
Mocha monday - 100 students get free coffee
Dance and yoga studio's